Toki the Dragon, a creation by Matt Furie, is a vibrant and loyal guardian of the whimsical trio: Mystery, Wat and Hoodrat. With scales shimmering in hues of yellow sapphire and ruby, Toki is as enchanting as he is formidable. He stands as a fierce protector of his friends, blending his playful spirit with unwavering courage. Whether soaring through the skies or unleashing his fiery breath, Toki ensures the safety of his companions, defending their magical world against any threat. His bond with Mystery, Hoodrat, and Wat is unbreakable, and together, they embark on adventures filled with humor, heart, and the charm of Furie's imaginative artistry.After substantial research, it has been revealed that the real name of the frog in "The Night Riders" is, in fact, ‘Mystery,’ while the names of the three other main characters have also been uncovered.